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Images: RoXy
Brushes: Mutsie
Made with PhotoShop and EditPad by Marge only for HLP.


An english presentation of the website

Welcome to an Italian W.I.T.C.H. website. My name is Margherita (Marge in the net), I am 20 and I like very much W.I.T.C.H., especially Hay Lin, so I called my website "Hay Lin's Page". I think that there are not a lot of Italian W.I.T.C.H. websites, so I hope to become the best; but I’ve founded a lot of websites from other countries, so one of the section of mine is called “Mondo W.I.T.C.H.”. “Mondo” means “world”, and in fact I would collect the link of ALL websites about the W.I.T.C.H., from ALL the world. So, if you have a website, please write me, so we’ll can link each other ^_^

You can found more of information about W.I.T.C.H. here:

Info >> here you can find the plot in general and the summary of the episodes, with images, infos about cartoon, manga, books and merchandising, and the Focus On.

Personaggi >> here there are the descriptions of most of the characters. They are really detailed.

Magia >> here there are some informations like the powers of the W.I.T.C.H., the places, the magic things.

Downloads >> here there are the galleries about W.I.T.C.H., divided into few pages like Love, Group, Covers, Pin-up, Cartoon, Manga and so on, and the Media, that is to say Mp3 and Video.

Free Grafics >> here there is some free graphic (like avatar, wallpaper, fonts, background, layout, letter paper); please read and follow rules!!

Fan’s Land >> here there are fan fiction, fan art, dolls and others; if you want to send a fanfic, you can in English, so also for fan arts, of course. Send send send!

Iniziative >> these are my personal ideas: Mondo W.I.T.C.H., that is my link collection with sites from ALL the world. Here you can find also a lot of contest. Join them!

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Thank you for visiting! Leave me a message in the guestbook, in the tag-board or send me an e-mail with your comments! Bye bye



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