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Mush pages in polish, about WITCH, with some stuff and graphic. Still under construction, but it seems really nice. The layout is great.

A very good site, witch a lot of infos, in polish, with some pages in english.

Magic Witches (PERSONAL BLOG)
A little, but nice blog about W.I.T.C.H.

WITCH on the world (WEBSITE)
Small new site, with a nice layout; it promises very well!

WITCH on the world (PERSONAL BLOG)
Little blog about WITCH.

Will67 (WEBSITE)
baby site with basic pages.

a lot of images (some from my site) and nice free layout.

Witch Music (WEBSITE)
It is a nice website about WITCH.

violet site - witch magical site (WEBSITE)
This website has a really long menù and a nice graphic; it is under costruction but it promises really well!

That's Magic (WEBSITE)
It is a bit difficult and slow to visit, but the sections and the pages are good.